How to Handle Moving When You’ve Lost Someone You Love


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How to Handle Moving When You’ve Lost Someone You Love

Losing one’s spouse may seem like the end of the world. But like all endings, it also signifies a new beginning. With the rest of your life ahead of you, there are decisions you need to make for your own benefit, and for many people, moving for a fresh start is part of that. Here are some of the most important steps you can take as you move onward and forward.


Take time.


Following the death of your partner in life, you’ll be bombarded by a wide range of emotions. Grief will undoubtedly be the strongest one. Sadly, there’s no quick fix for grief. It’s important, therefore, to give yourself time to grieve. Evolution Counseling explains it’s normally best to put off important decisions at this time, and instead, focus on your healing. In time, it will run its course, and you’ll soon be ready to tackle what’s ahead of you.


Get busy.


It’s been said that distraction is an effective salve for the pain of loss. Why not be productive about it and get busy? Start by sorting out your late spouse’s personal effects. While sifting through things accumulated that hold memories can be overwhelming and emotionally charged, it’s a necessary task.


Consider enlisting trusted loved ones to help and support you, and tackle the job in a systematic and organized fashion. Hold on to items that are truly meaningful and priceless, and let go of everything else by passing them on to family, or even selling, donating, or throwing them out.


While you’re at it, make sure to hold onto important documents like birth and marriage certificates, Social Security information, insurance policies, etc. Moreover, get multiple copies of your spouse’s death certificate. As Kiplinger explains, all these will come in handy later as you take care of financial matters, such as collecting benefits and insurance proceeds, paying off taxes and other debt, consolidating properties and assets, and more.


Consider big changes.


A fresh start can be an aid in healing, so consider making changes to your scenery, which will not only help you move on but also benefit your health and your finances. Downsizing can be a wise idea following a loved one’s death as it allows you to simplify your life and reduce your expenses. For older adults especially, it’s a great way to ensure that you live your life in safety and comfort with fewer responsibilities.


Before you start to look around, connect with an experienced agent from Eastern Horizon Realty, and let them know your situation. By having an awareness of your situation, your agent will understand the sensitive nature, and will be able to carefully guide you through every step in the process of selling your home.


When you do start to look for properties, take stock of your needs and preferences, as well as your budget, before deciding on your next living arrangement, especially if you plan to take out a home loan. When you shop around for lenders and interest rates, note that a conventional loan could be a wise choice. These loans generally come with flexible down payment options, and terms are just as flexible, with fixed- or adjustable-rate variants. You can even avoid mortgage insurance altogether when you have a downpayment of at least 20 percent.


Losing a life partner will be one of the most devastating things anyone can experience. For many people, moving is a healing part of the process as well as a financial help. By making decisions that serve you well, you can not only get a new start, but you ensure that it’s a good one.


Selling your home after the death of your partner can feel impossible, which is why you want to work with a caring real estate agent who has your best interests in mind. At Eastern Horizon Realty, our small business model enables us to offer a more personal experience for our clients, and we’re here to help you make the right decisions as you move forward. Reach out today to connect with one of our agents. 570-368-8186

 Article Courtesy of

Jane Rogers

Book Launch PR

(502) 883-6070